Running and looking nice
You are looking at one of the more good looking large O gauge trains from the Golden Days of toy trains. The paint scheme on these looks so good. This Unique Arts diesel engine set comes with a powered and a dummy unit. This is a large engine, more comparable in size (even a little larger) to the Lionel full O F3s. The units are approximately 14" long.
The unit runs on three rail O gauge trains just like your Marx or Lionel. It runs on AC power, just like the traditional O.
CONDITION: C-6. Engine tested and runs. Both units look nice but looking close up, there are some signs of playwear: some litho wear, oxidation, light scratches and slight discoloration. There is a hole in one of the pickups. The powered A unit has a squeak to it when you roll it down the track, even without power. Might be an axle or truck. Does run, light, and reverse.